
Beyond the Zulu Principle is good. I have never read any others really, I read the Zulu Principle and used that as my bible for the first 5 years. Most other stuff I have learned watching the likes of Peter Lynch online and developing what works for me over the past 25 years using back testing and trial and error. I must have made all the mistakes there were to make in 25 years so I ought to be getting it right by now if I've learned from them!

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I bought a few MPAC on Friday, forgot to mention sorry. Not the size I had but wanted a few to be holding into the results.

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Cheers, will take a look at Archontech - it's been a bit of a slow slog that one imo.

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Well all these small caps are illiquid to a degree but FCH isn't the toughest by a long shot. It's when there's an issue and a lot want to sell at the same time that these small caps are a pain. It's more the CRL type small caps that are a real pain. Also depends what size you are selling in of course.

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Thanks for clarifying.

I just bought back into Mpac ahead of next week’s update and given the CEO’s credibility.

Do you hold any?

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Yes, they are mostly tied to gilts and interest rates. What's good is if you can get to a position to get an insurance co to take the pension over, that may be a way off. I don't think interest rates are going down much in the UK myself, gov stoking inflation imo.

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Big fan of your Substack Richard. I heard an actuary explain that for DB pension schemes such at Carclo and Renold that rising interest rates over the last 2-3 years might help reduce deficits. Most of these schemes use a gilts-based discount rate, the value of DB liabilities is very sensitive to changes in the value of gilts. When long-term interest rates fall—and gilt prices rise— the present value of DB pension schemes' liabilities also rises. The opposite happens when rates rise and gilt prices fall.

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Thanks Rebel, nice update. I hold a fair few FCH so very happy with them. What other books would you recommend reading (I've read zulu principle, very good). Any others you suggest?

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Great to see you back with those enthusiastic updates. Arcontech's 3 year chart looking like a classic bowl. All the best Cockney.

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Thanks Rebel for this week's update and nice to see you "back at it again!"

Thursday was my best day ever with FCH and CAR contributing to a c.7% gain. I guess we just need CMCX to come through after all this volatility and their cost savings to complete the set.

Did I understand you correctly that you view FCH as an illiquid stock - as in could be difficult to offload at times...even with their ongoing share buybacks?

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