I'll save this reading material for my Saturday morning coffee but meantime want to say thanks for taking the time CR to do the live interview with Paul Hill on Vox via YouTube this morning, an excellent watch/ listen which I recommend to other readers who might not have seen it.
Really enjoyed your very informative Vox video with PaulHill, I plan to watch it a second time during the week. Nice to get the video direct too as then the irritating You Tube ads don't interrupt.
Thank you Gareth
Thanks Stephen
I'll save this reading material for my Saturday morning coffee but meantime want to say thanks for taking the time CR to do the live interview with Paul Hill on Vox via YouTube this morning, an excellent watch/ listen which I recommend to other readers who might not have seen it.
Thank you.
Really enjoyed your very informative Vox video with PaulHill, I plan to watch it a second time during the week. Nice to get the video direct too as then the irritating You Tube ads don't interrupt.
Each week these articles really help to shape my thinking so thanks for the time you put in.
I also found the interview on Vox really interesting.
Hoping our election or the events in Europe over the weekend with the elections in France and Belgium don't negatively affect things.