
Yes, if any license deal gets announced with Amazon imo. They have been talking for 18 month. The valuation has had good support just under £100. There is obviously something priced in for Amazon but any deal is 'think of a number' imo. Of course it may take more than a year to agree from here or it may not happen, so there is downside risk but I think with a 4% yield going fwd the downside seems limited while the upside looks potentially multiples of any downside.

Kids won't just 'stop' playing the games now either so again, there's a decent floor imo.

Just my opinion- if I found a 'certain' looking OBIAY elsewhere I might be tempted to use the cash I have in GAW to buy that instead but for now it's a speculative OBIAY with limited downside risk imo.

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Hi Stephen, thank you.

With FTC it's growing larger contract wins and they are all on much better margins in satellite and defence so I think short terms took profits despite the earnings upgrade but really, any big upgrades are likely to comer in the coming year in my opinion.

SYNT - I just don't know. I noticed last night the consensus epd forecasts have been dropping a bit for this year but that may be due to the divestment in may and brokers tweaking their numbers, with 9 brokers covering it on Stocko, it only takes one or two negative brokers to lower the consensus. I am sure punters could have misread that slight fall or just got bored and been selling because the likes of CMCX, IGR and others have been motoring and they want to chase the racers. I am unsure, so it just seems wise to reduce for now until I see the update in July.

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Thank you Jas

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Thanks Cockney. You have a great skill in combining charting and fundamental analysis. Your keen enthusiasm in finding winning shares, constantly shines through your weekly reports.

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"the hardest thing to do is not snatch short term profits. Your carrots never grow to prize-winners if you are forever pulling them up and replanting them". That is such a great line! Likewise, leave them in the ground and don't harvest the crop too early. I imagine some holders of CMCX were tempted to pull up a few carrots given the great run since the start of the year, and each investor has their own way of tending the allotment - congratulations on your results, a bumper harvest, you're a top grower. Thanks as ever for sharing your news and thoughts.

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Cockney - great read as always thank you! Just so I understand your OBIAY methodology, GAW currently trading at £106 per share - are you saying you think it’ll hit £200 within 12 months?

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Thanks Rebel for another great in depth read and for pulling together all the important numbers.

What struck me was the growing value of contract wins for FTC and the shortening time between each win. £15.9m from July 23 to Dec 23 and then £25.6m in the first 4 months of this year.

Do you think the SYNT malaise is simply down to lack of news? It was only last week you could buy CMCX at sub £2.60 before great results, and this happened previously with IGR and others until the update. Or, maybe despite Michael Willome coming across well, SYNT are not out of the woods just yet so caution needed as well as other possible good opps at this time like GAW?

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