I'm sure they are looking to screw investors any which way they can having said they want to welcome investment and grow the economy. They seem to do the exact opposite that they claimed they would.

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Yep, I know where it's a eye grabber price but it makes people get a quote as you have don, but otherwise might not. I had three pairs from my private high street shop 2 years ago and they relieved me of nearly £900 and they were not that great.

Glasses are a 'grudge purchase' for many imo, it's a small proportion that want to pay a huge premium for a designer name that nobody else knows you are wearing in my opinion.

But anyway, whatever the price is in reality, it's competitive now compared to 20 years ago imo, when someone is clearly making big profits in a market, others move in.

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Agree re oil, it has fallen 20% since April but it hasn't done much to take inflation lower and that is while the £ has risen 6-7% since April. The £ likely not going to get much higher v $ and how low does oil go?

Shipping costs have started falling which helps. I just struggle to see this off-setting domestic inflation enough for the BofE to feel comfy with cutting rates early imo.

Hopefully I'm pleasantly surprised.

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I see The Sunday Times expects Labour to abolish IHT relief on AIM stocks. Another reason to stay clear of UK stocks until after the budget.

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Morning Rebel

Another really useful and insightful read this week - so thanks again for the time you invest in it.

Any thoughts on IGR as I bought the recent dip over the last week or so given their last update was good? They are consumer goods but at the lower end price wise (like CARD which I also hold).

There is a lot of uncertainty around as we know and I'm thinking of turning more into cash 2-3 weeks before the UK budget.

It's a difficult and unpredictable time no?

PS The MPAC reaction was a bit disappointing...

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Hi Stephen

IGR has come off like many others - not sure it says anything about the co performance, perhaps just the market, hard to say. It really would be nice to see some director buying there tho, it's the one thing that has prevented me taking a large stake.

MPAC - a different sentiment to the market and there might have been a different reaction but in this market, with punters cashing in they tend to do it where they can, not necessarily rationally, just as I did really. If you cannot second guess what stocks will get hit I decided just to keep what looked like potential strongest OBIAYs and that was it - the rest was sold cold heartedly, no emotion - it was just about reducing short term exposure. There will be a time for me to put that cash back to work and I suspect there will be a lot of oversold shares reveal themselves at some point.

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'Glasses Direct are selling 2 pairs specs including frames and lenses for £1'

Doesn't work for me. My prescription is a bit unusual, and I want UV protection, by the time I have ticked the Glasses Direct boxes their price is more than the £69 charged by my traditional High Street optician (with excellent optometrists).

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Don’t forget that China is exporting disinflation and Oil has fallen fast to $70. Very strong disinflation forces at work too.

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And mortgage rates falling off a cliff as we speak…

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Thanks Cockney. Lee Wild's Winter Portfolio idea kicks in at the end of September. Intetesting concept.

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