Your blog is my favourite week-end reading. I like both the general thoughts as well as the specifics about individual stocks.
I've said this a couple of times before, but anyways: thanks for sharing this liberally with interested retail investors. :-)
What I admire above all is you ability to pay up after an initial investment. While personally I'm eager to double down when an adverse price movement doesn't reflect a fundamental change in the business, I remain anchored to the first purchase price as far as upward movements are concerned. Which is a huge psychological fallacy, of course, but... still.
Your blog is my favourite week-end reading. I like both the general thoughts as well as the specifics about individual stocks.
I've said this a couple of times before, but anyways: thanks for sharing this liberally with interested retail investors. :-)
What I admire above all is you ability to pay up after an initial investment. While personally I'm eager to double down when an adverse price movement doesn't reflect a fundamental change in the business, I remain anchored to the first purchase price as far as upward movements are concerned. Which is a huge psychological fallacy, of course, but... still.
Thank you Simon, glad you enjoy the Review and other suff I write