It's mainly the 'usual suspects' although MCB and WJG have joined the clan over the last 2 weeks.

AVON, IAG, OTB, FTC, CARD, RR., MKS, gives you top 9, but they tend to move about a bit as I add or trim

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Thanks CR. Do you still hold BOOM?

I work in High Wycombe which I believe is near you - I would love to treat you to lunch one day if you wish, as a big thank you for all you do & how much you’ve helped me.

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Hi Richard. Just wondering about your thoughts on MKS - it's just crossed below its 200 day moving average (unfairly IMO) and one of my rules is to sell up when that happens. Interested to hear at what point you would sell MKS.

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Did exactly the same after the last results this time last year then bounced sharp.

Not been any broker downgrades to consensus from what I can see. I think punters are just a bit nervous of retail and selling, probably misguidedly imo.

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Thanks Stephen. I thought by now they might have grown up and joined the adults but we seem to keep spawning 'intelligence light' punters.

This is a real adult's game. When people get that they'll do far better. I dread to think of the recriminations that will come when cryptos fall over - imagine how many punters are going to want others to blame for their gambling there!

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On crypto I had an experience of investing a lot back a few years ago. It dropped by 60% and I kept it believing it would recover. It went back to my cost 12 months ago and I sold it and broke even. Since Jan last year it has more than doubled!! Them’s the breaks!

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Takes a lot of discipline to only hold 10-12 shares And I do lack that discipline at times, then the numbers creep up and I need to have a cull.

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Very interesting. I don't do US stocks, I like being a bigger fish in a smaller pond, I always feel so late to US stocks where other shrewdies have been doing them longer. I guess it's doing what has always worked well. I am actually now starting to buy bigger stakes in higher risk/higher reward too because there's a lot of small caps very overlooked and a ton of value down there if you can find them early.


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Thank you Abel. We all have lights switched on by articles or notes that we see or read. If the weatherman says it's not going to rain I always look out the window to check and make my own decision what to wear, like most sensible people I reckon.

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Yes I still hold BOOM, not sold any, bound to be pull backs but the buyers will likely return ahead of the result.

Yes, one day when I am not on a diet, and not up to the gills with builders or shares or soon to be fish as well, perhaps I can make the time

Thank you.

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Thank you for putting your time, effort and knowledge into this blog. I generally read it late afternoon on Fridays and regard as the start of the week-end. Please keep on doing this blog - I really appreciate it.

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Cracking review as usual, thank you. Look forward to the next one.

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MKS seems harshly marked down. Results good, PE fair, EPS estmates still rising. I will continue to hold and probably add

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Thank you John

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yes, it was in my write up re MCB

"Most interesting was the rise in contract manufacturing volumes by 69% thanks to two contracts for companies in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sector."

Agree that it's a good place to be and since Ukraine, more people have tried non-brand products an moved to them - we personally ditched Heinz for M&S own brand.

MCB smells right with all the director buying there over the past year or two imo.

10 shares feel like being released from the shackles once you get there, the only thing is the newsflow then gets less and it's easier to do boredom trades imo.

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one of the best market tests going, worth getting married for :-)

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Thank you Garth

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Cheers River Man.

Have to say with the IGR shares on their knees the directors still haven't put their hand in their pocket and bought any

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Thank you Charlie, and I hope you are well. Glad you are still finding my waffling interesting.

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Thank you David

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