Thanks. The fact the directors are talking 22%+ sales growth by the sound of it, and brokers forecasts only pricing in 9%, says to me the brokeres are being very conservative imo.

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Cheers. I did look at this not too long ago but not too deeply, will have another look, cheers

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Agree on all that. The more they can drive towards Showcase the greater the margins and they seem to have something special there.

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Thank you Stephne

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Yes, the curves are all in the right places :-)

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Well done.

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This was a great call! Sadly I dipped in and then dipped out again at breakeven on weakness. Something here gave me an intangible nervousness. I felt the business was a little unpredictable at Apple’s whim and also that they may need to raise again, although looking at the director buying I’m not sure that’s a problem! The eps upgrades and the way the chart was shaping up I did like! Well done 👍🏻

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Thanks Rebel, bagged a few of these recently...looking promising. Nice win for Arsenal at weekend?

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Thanks , these multi baggers are what’s required to reduce risk.

SBTX is possibly the next one me thinks

Simple story : Market leader FTSE 100 Croda supplies £350M worth of anti aging cosmetic ingredients to the industry each year.

These 25 year old oil based products are about to go sustainable, bio , and green to meet end consumers demands.

SBTX picks up a 10% royalty for the use of its IP ( bio).


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A very well put together write up on Audioboom. Well run company, that navigated the downturn and has recoverd more focused.

The CEO Stuart and CFO Brad are always very transparent in their InvestorMeets. In fact the presenations are almost 90% on finances and income and only about 10% on the product, which shows confidence.

I see podcasting very much like the transition with TV, film and video. Broadcasters dictated when and what we watched. Now radio or listening is going through the same transition, it's radio or listening on demand (which can be anywhere in a car unlike TV). Also, the choice of what is being created becomes more demand-led as the customer data drives this, helping creators know better what to invest with the next shows, reduces risk on their part too.

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Great pick Rebel! Excellent looking bowl and momentum building very nicely

Many thanks

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You certainly have an eye for a seductive shape. It's a Marilyn Monroe of a chart. Thanks Richard.

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